Recent and upcoming talks


Meaning and Equivalence of Formal Theories, University of Vienna, 5–6 December 2024.

Mathematical premises in philosophical arguments.
Mathematics With a Human Face (II), University of Bergen, 21–22 May 2024.


On the computational costs of probabilism (with Walter Dean).
Computational Models in Social Epistemology, Ruhr Universität Bochum, 6–8 December 2023.

Social choice in infinite societies.
Computation and Algorithmic Methods in Human and Social Sciences, Institut d’études avancées de Paris, 8 June 2023.

Arrow’s theorem and the reverse mathematics of social choice theory.
Computability and Combinatorics 2023, University of Connecticut, May 15–21 2023.

Arrow’s theorem in infinite societies.
Mathematical Indispensability in Philosophy, LMU Munich, 16–17 February 2023.

Arrow’s theorem in infinite societies: a reverse mathematical approach.
PHILMATH seminar, IHPST, Paris, 30 January 2023.


Formalism and formalisation in social choice theory.
FFIUM project closing conference, Fondation Del Duca, Paris, 15–17 June 2022.

The indispensability of mathematics to philosophy (with Walter Dean).
Reverse Mathematics and its Philosophy, University of Chicago Center in Paris, 13–17 June 2022.